Journal Staff

Editor: Eric Menges

Eric Menges received a PhD in Botany from the University of Wisconsin in 1983. Since 1988, he has worked at Archbold Biological Station in Florida, focusing on fire ecology, rare plant biology, population viability, reintroductions, restoration and effects of land management. He has published over 150 scientific papers and advised more than 130 interns and students.

Managing Editor: Scott Gillihan

Scott Gillihan has a BS in Wildlife Biology and an MA in Zoology. His many years of work as a biologist took him from grasslands to alpine tundra, with particular emphasis on forested ecosystems. His parallel interest in communications led to his current work as a copyeditor, managing editor and editor-in-chief of scientific and popular publications.

Social Media Manager: Cheyenne Moore

Cheyenne Moore received her M.S. in Biology from Bucknell University where she worked on conservation and genetics of Pennsylvania's threatened, rare, and endangered plant taxa. She is now the Pennsylvania Plant Conservation Alliance Coordinator for the PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources and the PA Natural Heritage Program

Associate Editors

Are you interested in becoming an Associate Editor? New Associate Editors are always needed and welcome. Associate Editors review and obtaining reviews of manuscripts published in the Journal. If you are interested in serving on the NAJ Editorial Board as a subject matter expert for any of the below or other topics, please read our job description and contact the Editor, Eric Menges.

Plant Ecology

  • Young D. Choi- Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
  • Autumn Sabo - Pennsylvania State University, Beaver
  • Rebecca Swab, Holden Forest and Gardens, Kirtland, OH
  • John N. Williams - University of California, Davis, CA

Endangered and Rare Plants/Restoration

  • Donatella Cogoni- Cagliari University, Sardinia, Italy
  • Michael Curran - Abnova Ecological Solutions LLC, Cheyenne, WY
  • Sarah Hamman- Center for Natural Lands Management, Olympia, WA
  • Anatoliy A. Khapugin - Mordovia State Nature Reserve and National Park Smolny
  • Brenda Molano- Flores Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign
  • Noel Pavlovic- Great Lakes Science Center, Porter, IN
  • Scott Schuette- Western PA Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA


  • Vicki Wojcik- Pollinator Partnership, San Francisco, CA

Invasive Species

  • Matt Bahm - USDA Natural Resource Conservation Science
  • Chris Evans- University of Illinois, Simpson, IL
  • Mike Jenkins- Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
  • Jil Swearingen- Into the Weeds Consulting, MD

Animal Ecology

  • John G. Bruggink- Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
  • Gary S. Casper- University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Field Station, Saukville, WI
  • Katelyn Lawson - Alabama Natural Heritage Program, Auburn
  • Nick Van Lanen- Bird Conservatory of the Rockies, Fort Collins, CO
  • Brittany Schweiger - HeartLands Conservancy, Belleville, IL

Conservation Planning and Policy

  • Dominick DellaSala- Geos Institute, Ashland, OR
  • Betsy Miller Vixie- City of San Diego, San Diego, CA 
  • John Vickery- Denver, CO

Fire Ecology

  • Hugh Safford- USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Vallejo, CA

Book Reviews 

  • Scott Rush- Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Mississippi State University, MS

Thank you to all who make the Natural Areas Journal possible!


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