Why Donate?

Threats to natural areas and biodiversity are everywhere. We know it. You live it. Being constantly bombarded with this reality can be isolating and overwhelming.

Natural Areas Association (NAA) exists to support YOU, on-the-ground practitioners. The unsung heroes who invest their time, talent and treasure to conserve and restore ecosystem health throughout North America. So from our hearts - THANK YOU! 


Every gift makes a difference.

You can advocate for on-the-ground land and water management natural areas practitioners in need of increased knowledge and resources to preserve the conservation values on the land in their care. Please offer a gift before December 31st.

No amount is too small. Like the science of conservation, it is the culmination of little actions that will make a big difference. However, nothing will change if we do not act.

Please join your colleagues in supporting the next generation of natural areas practitioners and the protection of natural areas; which are essential to sustaining life on earth.

The challenges are mounting. .

Natural areas practitioners are actively working to address these issues - but they need access to the latest science, methodologies, and innovative practices.

  • Invasive species
  • Endangered invertebrates
  • Disappearing native plants 
  • Climate disruption 
  • Preparing for and recovery from catastrophic events 
  • and there are so many more ...

Natural areas professionals face mounting challenges, just like the natural areas they protect. They are the ones on the front lines, fighting for the health of ecologically significant landscapes and the species that depend on them. They need our support!

People hugging a tree.

Invest in the future!

If you are able, NAA would welcome a contribution to continue our mission - supporting YOU and your colleagues - those who are on the ground protecting nature every day.

Whether a one-time gift or a monthly commitment, every gift makes a difference. No amount is too small. Like the science of conservation, it is the culmination of little actions that will make a big difference. Either way, we hope you will stay connected with NAA. 

Why? Because if you steward the land, YOU BELONG HERE!


Join the people who protect and manage our natural areas.