Tanya Roerick
Wildlife Biologist
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Tanya Roerick has a Master’s degree in Wildlife Science. She has 11 years of experience in the wildlife field and has worked for the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe for 4 years as the wildlife biologist. She manages various research and management projects on snowshoe hare, wolves, fishers, martens, double crested cormorants, and other wildlife. She also collaborates with other agencies on wildlife habitat projects, game harvest, and protection of TES species.
Presentation Title: Leech Lake Snowshoe Hare Habitat ProjectDescription: Historically, snowshoe hare (
Lepus americanus) populations demonstrated cyclic population lows and highs, but more recently the snowshoe hare populations have remained low on the Leech Lake Reservation and surrounding areas. Snowshoe hares are generally found in mature forests or regeneration areas that contain dense horizontal cover, which provide forage and protection from predators. These areas are lacking throughout the forest as extensive harvest practices have left little structure and site prep and regeneration of conifers in plantations

have resulted in less habitat. After completing a multi-year study on snowshoe hare habitat selection the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe’s Wildlife Program is using those results to guide snowshoe hare habitat management. In collaboration with the Chippewa National Forest the first snowshoe hare habitat project was completed during Winter 2022 and similar work is being planned and implemented across the Leech Lake Reservation and Chippewa National Forest.