Missouri Workshop:
Where the Ozarks Meet the Delta:
May 17th and 18th, 2017
Participants refined their skills in identification and stewardship of natural communities (both rare and more common types) and rare, threatened or endangered species; field identification and keying of vascular plant species including harder to identify groups such as sedges (Carex species); and songbird identification by song and sight (songbirds related back to habitat types/conditions). State and federal program ecologists, botanists, foresters, and wildlife biologists including staff who manage the sites led tours of Bald Hill Glade Natural Area, Sand Ponds Conservation Area (Missouri) and Stateline Sand Ponds Natural Area (Arkansas), Little Black Conservation Area and Overcup Fen Natural Area, and Cupola Pond Natural Area and National Natural Landmark.
Co-Hosts: Missouri Department of Conservation, the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission and the Natural Areas Association
Join the people who protect and manage our natural areas.