4/25/2025 | An Overview of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network |
5/2/2025 | Why Do LTERs Matter to Natural Areas Practitioners |
5/9/2025 | A Horizon of Opportunity: Preparing for Collaboration as Sustainability Initiatives Take Root |
5/16/2025 | Unearthing Old Fields' Potentials: Biodiversity, Carbon Capture, and Stability |
5/23/2025 | Hidden in Plain Site: Long Term Research Reveals 20 Million Acres of US Midwest Croplands Ripe for Biodiversity Conservation |
5/30/2025 | Ecohydrological Consequences of Woody Plant Encroachment in Tallgrass Prairie |
6/6/2025 | Rugged Terrain Shapes Alpine Responses to Climate Change: Long-term Trends and Experimental Insights from the Niwot Ridge LTER |
11/14/2025 | Linkages Between LTER Research and Land/Water Management Along Alaska's Northern-Most Coastline |
11/21/2025 | Restoring the Florida Coastal Everglades: Insights from Long-term Ecological Research and Management |
11/28/2025 | Will Marshes Keep Up with Sea-level Rise? |
12/5/2025 | Long-Term Impacts of Seagrass and Oyster Restoration on Ecosystem Services Along Coastal Virginia |
2/13/2026 | Short and Long-term Perspectives of Forest Management Effects on Stream Biota |
2/20/2026 | Shrinking Sizes of Unexploited Fish and Salamanders Over the Past 60 Years |
2/27/2026 | On the impacts of multiple disturbances on the resiliency of tropical freshwater food webs and ecosystem services in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico |
3/6/2026 | Taking a Long Look at Lakes: Perspectives from the North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research Program |
4/24/2026 | Changing Disturbances, Ecological Legacies, and the Future of the Alaskan Boreal Forest |
5/1/2026 | Long-term forest carbon dynamics: How site scale research informs regional climate mitigation policy |
5/8/2026 | Forests Don't Read Scientific Papers: Surprising Results from Long-term Ecological Research in Northern Hardwood Forests |
6/5/2026 | Urban Ecological Infrastructure and Human-Environment Interactions in the Sonoran Desert |
6/12/2026 | Connectivity and Feedbacks Driving Vegetation Change in Drylands |
6/19/2026 | Climate variability at dryland ecotones - how will increasing variance influence ecosystems? |
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