Fire Compendium 1983 to 2009
The Natural Areas Association Fire Compendium compiles articles from the Natural Areas Journal from 1983 to 2009 that address some aspect of fire ecology or fire management. Some papers specifically focus on the effects of fire on a particular ecosystem or species, while in others fire is mentioned as a disturbance or process affecting an area.
The challenges that natural area managers face, including smoke management, public involvement, exotics and visitor management, and the re-introduction of fire to areas with a long exclusion of fire (just to name a few), tend to not be region specific, but are similar throughout North America. The biggest value of a collection of articles dealing with fire ecology and management is that it allows easy access to information that while seemingly unrelated, may actually be useful to others for the insight it provides. The challenges and solutions of a small, private preserve manager in the Southeast may be germane and useful to the manager of a large publicly owned western landscape.
The Compendium should benefit a wide variety of natural areas managers, scientists and students. While the majority of the articles are from the United States, work from Ontario and British Columbia, as well as Argentina is included. Within the U.S. most regions are represented with papers from the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast. Ecosystems as diverse as the Everglades, tallgrass prairie, and coastal temperate forests of British Columbia are represented.
Managed areas both large and small are included ranging from large national parks (Everglades and Sequoia), to state and provincial parks, to Research Natural Areas, and privately managed preserves and research stations. Of interest to managers are articles on monitoring, restoration, visitor management, exotics and herbicide use. At the species level the Compendium includes research on endemic plants, lichens, Neotropical birds, herbivores, carnivores, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.
Special thanks to project manager Jody Shimp of the Natural Areas Association Technology Committee and to the Instructional Support Services Department of Morris Library, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Articles are arranged in chronological order by publication date.Click to read the full article - Vegetative Effects and Management Implications of a Fall Prescribed Burn on an Illinois Prairie
- Effects of Fire on Different Size Individuals of Schinus terebinthiflius
- Tree-Ring Analysis of Fire History of a Post Oak Savanna in The Missouri Ozarks
- Twenty Years of Vegetational Change on a Southern Illinois Barren
- Direct Mortality and Reappearance of Small Mammals in an Illinois Grassland After a Prescribed Burn
- Experimental Control of Garlic Mustard [Alliaria petiolata (Bieb) Cavara & Grande] in Northern Illinois Using Fire, Herbicide, and Cutting
- Fire Temperature Monitoring During Experimental Burns at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
- Breeding Bird Communities of Midwestern Prairie Fragments: The Effects of Prescribed and Habitat-area
- Effects of Fire Frequency on Tree Canopy Cover at Allison Savanna, Eastcentral Minnesota, USA
- Managing Liability Exposures Associated with Prescribed Fires
- The Short-Term Effect of Fire on Lupinus perennis
- Elk Survival Following the 1988 Yellowstone Fires: A Simulation Experiment
- Effects of a Low-Intensity Winter Fire on Long-Unburned Florida Sand Pine Scrub
- Effects of a Prescribed Fire on Degraded Forest Vegetation
- The Historical Occurrence of Fire in the Central Hardwoods, with Emphasis on Southcentral Indiana
- Temporal Changes in Vegetation Composition and Structure in a Fire- Managed Prairie Fen
- Fire Effects on Four Growth Stages of Smooth Brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.)
- Methods of Breaking Seed Dormancy in the Endangered Species Iliamna corei (Sherff), Sherff (Malvaceae), with Special Attention to Heating
- Ecological Survey and Interpretation of the Willamette Floodplain Research Natural Area, W.L Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon, USA
- Responses of Prairie Insects and Other Arthropods to Prescription Burns
- Effects of Wet- and Dry-Season Fires on Jacquemontia curtisii, a South Florida Pine Forest Endemic
- Movement Patterns and Population Characteristics of the Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
- Effects of Drainage,Fire Exclusion, and Time-Since-Fire on Endemic Cutthroat Grass Communities in Central Florida
- Restoration of Florida Pine Savanna: Flowering Response of Lilium catesbaei to Fire and Roller-Chopping
- Disturbance History of Two Natural Areas in Wisconsin: Implications for Management
- Plant Community Responses to Prescribed Burning in Wisconsin Sedge Meadows
- A Common Species at the Edge of Its Range: Conservation of Bear Oak (Quercus ilicifolia) and Its Low Elevation Rocky Summit Community in North Carolina (USA)
- Endemic Forest Disturbances and Stand Structure of Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) in the Upper Pine Creek Research Natural Area, South Dakota, USA
- Historical Surface Fire Frequency in Ponderosa Pine Stands in Research Natural Areas, Central Rocky Mountains and Black Hills, USA
- Effects of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. (Cogongrass) Invasion on Fire Regime in Florida Sandhill (USA)
- Repeated Prescribed Burning at Dinsmore Woods State Nature Preserve (Kentucky, USA): Responses of the Understory Community
- An Evaluation of Oak Woodland Management in Northeastern Illinois, USA
- Population Maintenance of Pinus pungens Lam. (Table Mountain Pine) After a Century Without Fire
- Assessing the Impacts of Deer Browsing, Prescribed Burns, Visitor Use, and Trails on an Oak-Pine Forest: Pinery Provincial Park,Ontario, Canada
- Disturbance and Scale Effects on Southern Old- Growth Forests (USA): The Sand Pine Example
- Effects of Prescribed Surface Fires On Ground- and Shrub- Nesting Neotropical Migratory Birds in a Mature Indiana Oak Forest, USA
- Effects of Prescribed Fire on Prairie Arthropods: An Enclosure Study
- Effects of Prescribed Fire on Soil Invertebrates in Upland Forests on the Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky, USA
- Response of Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia Drury) to Spring Burning in an Eastern Nebraska Tallgrass Prairie, USA
- Monitoring Fire Effects for Managed Burns and Wildfires: Coming to Terms with Pseudoreplication
- Characteristics of Dry Site Old-Growth Ponderosa Pine in the Bull Mountains of Montana, USA
- Using Imazapic and Prescribed Fire to Enhance Native Warm-Season Grasslands in Kentucky, USA
- Response of Understory Vegetation and Tree Regeneration to a Single Prescribed Fire in Oak-Pine Forests
- Response of Understory Vegetation and Tree Regeneration to a Single Prescribed Fire in Oak-Pine Forests
- Spring Burning and Grassland Area: Effects on Henslow’s Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii [Audubon]) and Dickcissel (Spiza americana [Gmelin]) in Eastern Kansas, USA
- Relationships between Fire Frequency and Vegetation Type in Pine Flatwoods of East-Central Florida, USA
- Effects of Fire and Treatments that Mimic Fire on the Florida Endemic Scrub Buckwheat (Eriogonum longifolium Nutt. var. gnaphalifolium Gand.)
- Soil Temperature and Moisture Fluctuations During and After Prescribed Fire in Mixed-Oak Forests, USA
- Growth and Recovery of Oak-Saw Palmetto Scrub through Ten Years After Fire
- Importance of In Situ Survival, Recolonization, and Habitat Gaps in the Postfire Recovery of Fire-Sensitive Prairie Insect Species
- Fire Frequency Effects on Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris P. Mi Iler) Vegetation in South Carolina and Northeast Florida, USA
- Preliminary Response of Herbaceous Plants to Biennial Burning Cycles Applied at Different Dates During the Growing Season
- Vegetation of Frequently Burned Old-Growth Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Savannas on Choccolocco Mountain, Alabama, USA
- Monitoring Postfire Tree Mortality in Mixed-Conifer Forests of Crater Lake, Oregon, USA
- Vegetation Recovery and Stand Structure Following a Prescribed Stand-Replacement Burn in Sand Pine Scrub
- Extinction, Colonization, and Persistence of Rare Vascular Flora in the Longleaf Pine Wiregrass Ecosystem: Responses to Fire Frequency and Population Size
- Effects of Burning on Snakes in Kansas, USA, Tallgrass Prairie
- Understory Restoration in Longleaf Pine Sandhills
- Plant Community Variability in Ponderosa Pine Forest Has Implications for Reference Conditions
- Persistence and Prolonged Winter Dormancy of the Federally Endangered Schwalbea americana L. (Scrophulariaceae) Following Experimental Management Techniques
- Remnant Old-Growth Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Savannas and Forests of the Southeastern USA: Status and Threats
- Do Prescribed Fires in South Florida Reduce Habitat Quality for Native Carnivores?
- Initial Vegetation Response to Prescribed Fire in Some Oak-Hickory Forests of the South Carolina Piedmont
- Influence of Historic Upland Silviculture on the Composition of Ravine Forests along the Apalachicola River, Florida, USA
- Fire History of a Barrier Island Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Savanna
- Effects of Fire Intensity on Vital Rates of an Endemic Herb of the Florida Keys, USA
- Changes in Presettlement Forest Composition for Five Areas in the Central Hardwood Forest, 1784-1990
- Response of Willow (Salix caroliniana Michx.) in a Floodplain Marsh to a Growing Season Prescribed Fire
- The Seed Ecology of Iliamna longisepala (Torr.) Wiggins, an East Cascade Endemic
- Burning Trends and Potential Negative Effects of Suppressing Wetland Fires on Flatwoods Salamanders
- Changes in Woodland Cover on Prairie Refuges in North Dakota, USA
- Changes in Woody Plant Structure in Fire-disturbed Calden Forest of the Parque Luro Reserve, Argentina
- Testing the Efficacy of Species Richness and Floristic Quality Assessment of Quality, Temporal Change, and Fire Effects in Tallgrass Prairie Natural Areas
- Historical Changes in White Pine (Pinus strobus L.) Density in Algonquin Park, Ontario, During the 19th Century
- Controlling Speckled Alder (Alnus incana ssp. rugosa) Invasion in a Wetland Reserve of Southern Quebec
- Classification of Green Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia oreophila (Kearney) Wherry) Communities in the Little River Canyon National Preserve, Alabama
- Floristic Quality as an Indicator of Native Species Diversity in Managed Grasslands
- Dynamics of a Managed Oak Woodland in Northeastern Illinois
- Long-Term Population Changes of a Fire-Adapted Plant Subjected to Different Fire Seasons
- Seed Germination Strategies of Species With Restoration Potential in a Fire-Maintained Pine Savanna
- Forest Succession in an Oak-Hickory Dominated Stand During a 40-Year Period at the Ross Biological Reserve, Indiana
- Decoupling Natural and Anthropogenic Fire Regimes: a Case Study in Everglades National Park, Florida
- Aspen in the Sierra Nevada: Regional Conservation of a Continental Species
- Effects of Prescribed Fire and Thinning on the Spatial Heterogeneity of the Seed Bank in a Mixed Oak Forest
- Effects of Reintroduction of Fire into Fire Suppressed Coastal Scrub and Longleaf Pine Communities Along the Lower Gulf Coastal Plain
- Forest Fires and Old-Growth Forest Abundance in Wet, Cold, Engelmann Spruce – Subalpine Fir Forests of British Columbia, Canada
- Restoring Native Vegetation to an Urban Wet Meadow Dominated by Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) in Wisconsin
- Soil Patterns in Three Darlingtonia Fens of Southwestern Oregon
- Fire History of Pinon-juniper Woodlands on Navajo Point, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
- Shrub Seedling Establishment is Limited by Dispersal, Slow Growth,and Fire in Two Wet Pine Savannahs in Mississippi
- Using Fire and Herbicide to Control Lygodium microphyllum and Effects on a Pine Flatwoods Plant Community in South Florida
- Regeneration and Seedling-habitat Relationships of the Marginal Population of Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) After Prescribed Burning, Eastern Ontario, Canada
- Forest Dynamics in a Natural Area of the Southern Ridge and Valley, Tennessee
- Patterns in bird community structure related to restoration of Minnesota dry oak savannas and across a prairie to oak woodland ecological gradient
- Forest Management and Curculionid Weevil Diversity in Mixed Oak Forests of Southeastern Ohio
- Patterns of Plant Composition in Fragments of Globally Imperiled Pine Rockland Forest: Effects of Soil Type, Recent Fire Frequency, and Fragment Size
- Tree Encroachment of A Sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) Marsh with in an Increasingly Urbanized Ecosystem
- Prescribed Burning in State Park Properties of North Carolina and Nearby Coastal States
- Fine-scale Patchiness in Fuel Load Can Influence Initial Post-fire Understory Composition in a Mixed Conifer Forest, Sequoia National Park, California
- Maintaining a Pine Legacy in Itasca State Park
- The Response of Understory Species Composition, Diversity, and Seedling Regeneration to Repeated Burning in Southern Appalachian Oak-hickory Forests
- Wilderness Conservation in an Era of Global Warming and Invasive Species: a Case Study from Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
COPYRIGHT: (c) 2010 Natural Areas Association
Authorization to copy individual articles or the Compendium in its entirety for internal, personal or educational use (for example, on home institution’s webpage or class webpage) must be granted, and the first page, initial screen or other display of this material includes the notice: “Copyright (c) 2010 by the Natural Areas Association”, along with the full citation including the name(s) of the author(s). To copy, transmit or electronically distribute otherwise, to republish or re-purpose any Compendium article(s) requires specific permission and a possible fee. Please submit inquiries to: