Fire Compendium 1983 to 2009

The Natural Areas Association Fire Compendium compiles articles from the Natural Areas Journal from 1983 to 2009 that address some aspect of fire ecology or fire management. Some papers specifically focus on the effects of fire on a particular ecosystem or species, while in others fire is mentioned as a disturbance or process affecting an area.

The challenges that natural area managers face, including smoke management, public involvement, exotics and visitor management, and the re-introduction of fire to areas with a long exclusion of fire (just to name a few), tend to not be region specific, but are similar throughout North America. The biggest value of a collection of articles dealing with fire ecology and management is that it allows easy access to information that while seemingly unrelated, may actually be useful to others for the insight it provides. The challenges and solutions of a small, private preserve manager in the Southeast may be germane and useful to the manager of a large publicly owned western landscape.

The Compendium should benefit a wide variety of natural areas managers, scientists and students. While the majority of the articles are from the United States, work from Ontario and British Columbia, as well as Argentina is included. Within the U.S. most regions are represented with papers from the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast. Ecosystems as diverse as the Everglades, tallgrass prairie, and coastal temperate forests of British Columbia are represented.
Managed areas both large and small are included ranging from large national parks (Everglades and Sequoia), to state and provincial parks, to Research Natural Areas, and privately managed preserves and research stations. Of interest to managers are articles on monitoring, restoration, visitor management, exotics and herbicide use. At the species level the Compendium includes research on endemic plants, lichens, Neotropical birds, herbivores, carnivores, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.

Special thanks to project manager Jody Shimp of the Natural Areas Association Technology Committee and to the Instructional Support Services Department of Morris Library, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Articles are arranged in chronological order by publication date.

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