2026 Natural Areas Conference

2026 Natural Areas Conference (NAC26): Where Science Meets Stewardship

October 5-8, 2026 | Asheville, NC

The Natural Areas Association (NAA) Natural Areas Conference (NAC) has gathered federal, tribal, state, regional, and local natural areas practitioners from nonprofit organizations, private industry, and academic institutions - connecting conservation science and those who provide on-the-ground management to protect biodiversity. 

Why? Because land stewardship benefits from shared knowledge rich in diverse perspectives. The NAC fosters communication and collaboration that can lead to plans, practices, and methodologies to address challenges in the management of natural areas.

In two years, NAA plans to host the 2026 Natural Areas Conference (NAC26): Where Science Meets Stewardship in Asheville, NC - October 5 - 8, 2026. North Carolina was unprepared for the intensity of Hurricane Helene and the flooding that quite literally wiped entire communities away in moments. Like you, the NAA team watched in horror, and are doing what little we can to support the organizations that are on the front lines.

NAA remains committed to the city of Asheville - and to being a part, in any practical way possible, in the recovery of this region.

Please mark your calendar to join us in Asheville, October 5 - 8, 2026. Together we will celebrate this region, its people, and learn from their experiences, as they rebuild and restore their homes, businesses, and the lands and waters of southern Appalachia. 

Interested in becoming a sponsor or exhibitor? Contact Lisa Smith for more information.

Why should you attend the 2024 Natural Areas Conference?

  • The NAC gathers more than 350 natural areas practitioners in one location featuring plenary and concurrent sessions, symposia, round tables, field workshops, and poster presentations.
  • The NAC is the forum for information-exchange among natural areas practitioners across North America. Participants have shared countless stories about how information gained from their participation in this conference had a direct impact on the lands they steward.
  • The NAC provides science-based content for natural area practitioners and researchers seeking applied science, practical solutions, and knowledge transfer related to the management of natural areas on a day-to-day basis; such as land stewards in land trusts, nature centers, and nature preserves who manage land for their conservation or natural area values.
  • The NAC supports the conservation and the protection of biodiversity by providing access to quality science, new knowledge, best practices, and emerging methodologies for those who steward natural areas.

Conference Topics
The Natural Areas Conference is a national convening of land management practitioners. We welcome proposals to share new knowledge, methodologies and practices in land stewardship. That said, we understand that every region has unique topography, ecology and expertise to share. Regionally specific topics will be added as we engage our conference partners from North Carolina and the surrounding area. The Call for Proposals will open in late 2025.

  • Conservation of Eastern Deciduous Forest Ecosystems (Healthy Forests)
  • Grassland Management and Conservation
  • Aquatic Resource Management and Conservation 
  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience
  • Advances in Invasive Species Management
  • Native Plant Materials in Restoration
  • Good Fire/Bad Fire Management (Fire Science and Practice)
  • Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat Management
  • Invertebrate/Pollinator Conservation
  • Soil Science and Considerations in Natural Areas Management
  • Restoration of Natural Areas
  • Native Plant Conservation
  • Value of Small Natural Areas
  • Indigenous Perspectives on Natural Areas Management
  • Technology in Natural Areas Management
  • Communicating the Importance of Your Work to Lay Audiences
  • Engaging New Audiences in Land Stewardship
  • Urban Natural Areas
  • Private Lands Conservation Efforts
  • Rare Species Conservation 
  • Economics of Natural Area Conservation 
  • Collaborative Conservation 

Would you like to suggest a field or skills workshop? Contact us!

Be the first to learn more about the 2026 Natural Areas Conference (NAC26): Where Science Meets Stewardship, 
including information about conference planning in Asheville, the call for proposals, and more.

Click here to join the NAC26 distribution list.

Land stewardship benefits from shared knowledge rich in diverse perspectives. 
NAC24 invites participation from all viewpoints, backgrounds, abilities, 
and experiences to enrich learning for all.


Join the people who protect and manage our natural areas.