NAC24 Call for Proposals is open!
NAA is now accepting proposals for Individual and Poster submissions. Proposals should fit within the conference topics and can describe a project, methodology, best practice or challenge related to a natural area(s). Please note that all presenters must be registered participants of the conference and will be responsible to cover their own registration, accommodations, and related expenses.
- An individual presentation is a 15-minute talk followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.
- Accepted presentations will be organized into 90-minute concurrent sessions by topic.
- Each session will include an assigned facilitator who will ensure that presenters stay on time and do not run over. Please review the Presenter Guidelines (DOC).
- Posters are static presentations displayed during the conference in a high traffic location.
- Posters are ideal for research or projects in progress or to showcase a novel concept, approach, or topic related to natural areas protection and/or management.
- Presenters will engage with conference participants during a Poster Reception.
- Posters must not exceed 4’x4’.
Story Maps
- Public speaking is not your thing, but you have a success story, science or experience-based research, best practices, or a methodology to share?
- Submit a Story Map that will be shared in the conference app and on the NAA website.
Attention Students! Student Poster & Presentation Competition
Are you a full-time student interested in building your resume and professional experience? Submit a poster and participate in the poster & presentation competition. Engage with peers and experience natural areas professionals in a collegial setting.
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024