William Carromero, Ph.D.

USDA Forest Service 

Dr. William Carromero is the National Botanist for the USDA Forest Service. Dr. Carromero started his career with the Forest Service in 2004 as the District Botanist at the Ocala National Forest in Florida. From 2010 - 2015, he was the Forest Ecologist at the Ozark - St. Francis National Forests where he led the Ozark Highlands Ecosystem Collaborative Restoration project. The project was awarded a Chiefs Honor Award in Sustaining National Forests and Grasslands in 2014. Dr. Carromeros work at the Forest Service national headquarters includes support and implem entation of native plant material policy for revegetation and restoration work to improve ecosystem diversity and support pollinators. He earned a B.S. in General Biology from Cayey University College , a M.S. in Tropical Ecology from the University of Puer to Rico, and a Ph.D. in Botany/Plant Biology from the University of Georgia.


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