Lifetime memberships are one way members can make a significant investment in the work of Natural Areas Association, while also supporting the unique community we provide.
Lifetime members receive all the benefits as Sustaining members—but with no time limit, and no need to renew.
A lifetime membership is the perfect way for our members to lend support to a community that they’ve benefited from in the past, and whose mission inspires them.
Benefits include:
Lifetime membership in a community of supportive, like-minded professionals
A subscription to the Natural Areas Journal (a $175 value)
Discounted registration for the Natural Areas Conference
Free access to our webinar series.
Inclusion in the State Natural Areas Roundtable.
Looking for other ways to invest in the Natural Areas Association’s community and work? Check out our many convenient ways to donate.
Individual Life Membership $5000.00
If you reside outside the United States, please contact us directly.
Become a lifetime member of the Natural Areas Association
Join the people who protect and manage our natural areas.